The group Fishery Friendly Climate Action begins a winter series of webinars on climate change and fisheries with an online session Thursday, Jan. 5, looking at two pressing issues: the closing of Alaska crab seasons, and the potential impact of offshore wind power development off the lower 48 states.

“Climate and energy topped the headlines in 2022, a trend that is likely to continue in 2023 and beyond,” according to the group’s webinar invitations. “The intersection of these issues with commercial fisheries is multifaceted and regionally diverse.

“To support commercial fishing industry members’ capacity to engage in climate and energy policy processes, the Fishery Friendly Climate Action campaign will convene a series of Winter Webinars, which kick off this Thursday. All members of the U.S. commercial fishing industry are welcome to attend.”

Alaska and the Lower 48: Forging common cause around climate impacts and solutions 

(Jan. 5 at 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time)

The 2022 closure of Bering Sea snow crab and several other Alaskan crab seasons is the latest climate-induced disruption to rock the foremost seafood-producing state.

Meanwhile in the Lower 48 states, fishermen are grappling with the potentially serious impacts of one of the leading solutions proposed to combat climate change: offshore wind energy development. Both of these trends are not only urgent in their own right, but are symbolic of the kind of tensions and tradeoffs that are likely to become more commonplace as the climate crisis becomes more palpable and the energy transition gets underway.

This webinar is intended to foster an inter-regional dialogue among fishermen in Alaska and the Lower 48 around climate change and climate solutions. The discussion will cover how fishermen and their organizations are mobilizing around these urgent issues, and can best support each other across regions.

 Register here:

Conservative and care about climate change? You have a special role to play.

(Jan. 24 from 4 p.m. to 5 pm Eastern time)

Climate change affects people of every political stripe, but for too long, partisan politics have gotten in the way of solving the problem. This webinar will be joined by Bob Inglis, a former Republican Congressman from South Carolina and the current executive director of, an organization that encourages, emboldens, and advocates for a free-enterprise solution to climate change.

Inglis leads republicEn's growing grassroots community of #EcoRight conservatives, a balance to the environmental left, stressing instead the power of free enterprise and innovation to solve climate change. This online discussion will be of interest to conservative-leaning fishermen and also to non-conservative fishermen who seek to understand the diverse values that motivate different parts of the political spectrum.

Register here:

Fishermen, farmers, and climate action: Are there opportunities for mutual wins?

(Feb. 21 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time)

What do offshore wind and kelp farming have in common with methane digesters, biofuels, and cover cropping? All are proposed climate solutions that intersect with food production -- the former at sea, and the latter on land. Members of the U.S. commercial fishing community will hear from experts in the farming community about farm-based climate solutions: which ones have promise, which ones don't, and which ones might have unintended negative ecological or social consequences.

Are fishermen and farmers in the same boat when it comes to climate change? Are there clear opportunities to support one another? Attend this webinar to find out! Register here:

The Fishery Friendly Climate Action campaign is a grassroots initiative that provides fishermen, fisheries associations, and seafood businesses with tools, networking, access, and knowledge to advocate for robust climate solutions that work for U.S. fisheries and not at their expense. Inquiries may be directed to campaign coordinator Sarah Schumann at [email protected] or (401)297-6273.


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