The late Wayne Werner, a board member of the Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Shareholders’ Alliance, is being honored with the establishment of the Wayne Werner Memorial Scholarship Fund.

“Wayne was a skilled fisherman and a visionary who believed deeply in the importance of building bridges between fishermen and scientists,” the alliance said in a March 22 statement. “His commitment to bridging the gap between the commercial fishing and scientific communities was instrumental in advancing sustainable fishing practices and preserving our marine ecosystems for future generations.”

Werner, a well-known Gulf snapper fisherman and 2012 National Fisherman Highliner, often worked with scientists at universities and with the National Marine Fisheries Service.

According to the alliance statement, “He also staunchly advocated that science be placed first in management decisions and even testified before Congress on the important role Individual Fishing Quota programs played in creating a safer, more sustainable commercial reef fish fishery. “He was always ready to share his experience and knowledge with federal regulators and regional managers at the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council. 

The Wayne Werner Memorial Scholarship Fund will provide financial assistance to college students pursuing degrees in marine science, fisheries science, environmental management, oceanography, or other related fields. 

“Your generous support will ensure that his vision of unity and cooperation between fishermen and scientists can be realized,” says the group. Contributors can donate to the Wayne Werner Memorial Scholarship Fund either by following this link or mailing a check to the following address. Please put “Wayne Werner Memorial Scholarship Fund” in the memo line: 

Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Shareholders’ Alliance

1902 Wharf Road

Galveston, TX 77550

The Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Shareholders’ Alliance says it will soon release information for students interested in applying for the scholarship fund.

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