The Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) has released its report into the collision between two Peterhead-based pair trawlers that resulted in the sinking of one of the vessels.

The report – the purpose of which is not to attribute fault or blame – says that at approximately 11.49am on 6 October, 2022, the pair trawlers Guiding Star H 360 and Guiding Light H 90 collided in rough seas 33nm southeast of Fair Isle (FN, 20 October, 2022, ‘Guiding Star owner gives thanks for crew rescue’).

The collision happened as the codend of the Guiding Star’s net was being transferred to Guiding Light. On feeling a ‘minor impact’, the skipper of the 26m Guiding Star proceeded to the aft compartment to assess the damage, where he found water pouring in behind the cabin panelling.

Despite the efforts of the crew to alleviate the flooding with the use of bilge pumps, the water level continued to rise. At 12.04pm, the skipper transmitted a Mayday call and instructed his crew to gather immersions suits and lifejackets.

The report says that two deckhands went into the cabins to collect the survival equipment, but that one became trapped. The other deckhand forced the door open, and they both exited via the emergency escape hatch – but without the survival equipment.

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