In November 2023, violent Atlantic storm “Domingos” struck the northern coast of Portugal, generating record-high waves and leaving a path of destruction across much of Western Europe. 

People on land were grappling with flooded homes, closed roads, and landslides. But just offshore, a potentially game-changing wave energy device was happily bobbing up and down, side to side — seemingly, in its element. 

Built by Swedish startup CorPower, the giant golden buoy turns the raw power of the ocean into a clean, reliable electricity source. CorPower claims its tech is at least five times more efficient than the previous state-of-the-art.

“We’ve proven that our technology is both energy efficient and can survive the harshest ocean conditions — two problems that have plagued the industry for decades,” Patrik Möller, Corpower’s co-founder and CEO, tells TNW. 

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