The Viking Traps made by Norwegian company Proffteiner have been a success with Deadliest Catch skipper Sig Hansen, who has been trying them out on board Bering Sea crabber Northwestern. The episode is aired on the Discovery Channel this month.

The standard crab traps are roughly two metres square and a metre high, and weight around 300kg. These are lifted on board singly, and there’s no handling these traps by hand. But before starting fishing, it’s Sig Hansen’s first job to find where the crabs are, and that’s where the Viking Traps have scored.

‘By using the Norwegian traps, we can check an area quickly. These are lighter and easier to handle, so using these saves time an fuel when we’re searching,’ he explained in the episode when the Viking Traps are first seen on the screen in one of the world’s best-known and longest-running reality TV series during which Sig Hansen has been through numerous dramas.

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