Personal glimpses that chronicle the fishing life make up the Alaska Young Fishermen’s Almanac and the call is out for submissions. The second version of the Almanac is in the works and sales of the first run last year were so good, its covering costs for the whole project.

“People loved it. They’d ask which submission is yours. And you’d be eternally flipping to the  picture of the fillets and peanut butter you fed your crew all summer,” said Jamie O’Connor, a Homer-based fishermen and head of the Alaska Young Fishermen’s Network for the Alaska Marine Conservation Council. “It’s a really fun way to communicate to people outside of this community about the culture of fishing, especially from the perspective of the young fishermen.”

Last year’s 141 page Almanac featured nearly 60 items from almost every region of the state.      

“Everything from essays to recipes to photos, poems and art. There’s also a lot of useful stuff in there," said O’Connor. "Plus, fun stories, a little bit of mischief, pro tips from more mature fishermen to people who want to get into the industry.”

The Almanac is styled similar to a younger version of a publication for farmers that dates back to 1792.

“It’s modeled after the Young Farmer’s Almanac as a way to share the culture and put out a touchstone every year that people can refer back to or share with their families,” said O’Connor. “That’s what we’re hoping to do for young fishermen as well.”

“We’re looking for anything people want to send in. We’re hoping they really flex their creativity, she added.

Deadline to submit to the Almanac is September 1. You can submit your work on the Alaska Young Fishermen's Network website or via email by emailing O'Connor at [email protected].

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Laine Welch has covered the Alaska fish beat for print and radio since 1988. She has also worked “behind the counter” at retail and wholesale seafood companies in Kodiak and Cape Cod. Click here to send her an email.

You can read more from Laine at 

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