Michael (MJ) Jackson has been a career commercial fisherman since 1979 and continues to fish Bristol Bay for salmon, groundfish, and crab. He is known for making substantial contributions toward improving Alaska’s salmon fishery. He has been on the board of the Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association since 2018 and served as the president of the board since 2020. MJ has been an ultra-dedicated force by advocating for Bristol Bay fishermen and helping create a safe and sustainable fishery that will be around for generations to come. He has helped the Bay flourish despite challenges such as COVID, Pebble Mine, market swings, and regulatory and policy issues among fisheries.

MJ has spent countless hours volunteering within his community and has never been afraid to stand up for what is right. MJ’s passion for the commercial fishing industry has inspired many, but most notably his two sons, who are boat and permit owners following in their dad’s footsteps. 

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