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U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan (both R-AK) and Representative Mary Sattler Peltola (D-AK) welcomed the announcement of $277 million in funding for Alaska fishery disasters from the U.S. Department of Commerce. Funding for a number of salmon and crab fisheries from 2020-2023 will be transmitted to the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission for distribution to fishermen, their crews, seafood processors, and communities impacted by these fishery disasters.

“There is no question that fisheries and coastal communities in Alaska need help as they navigate catastrophic fishery collapses,” Senator Murkowski said. “Although I am grateful our fishermen and communities will finally see some relief, for many, it might be too little too late. After years of waiting, some have already moved onto other professions, and in some cases have even left the state. I will continue working with my colleagues to pass legislation to streamline the process so these regulatory delays are a thing of the past. I am hopeful this assistance will help Alaska’s hardworking fishermen recover from a devastating few years so they can get back on the water and return to their active role in this critical industry.”

Sen. Murkowski is referring to the Fishery Improvement to Streamline Untimely Regulatory Hurdle Post Emergency Situation Act, known as the FISHES Act (S.4262), when mentioning streamlining the process for disaster relief funding. FISHES Act would require the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and NOAA to approve and allocate a state’s disaster spending plan for fishery disasters within 30 days.

“I’m glad to see this significant batch of federal relief dollars finally being distributed to our hard-working fishermen and coastal communities,” said Senator Sullivan. “These Alaskans should never have had to wait this long to see this relief processed—a frustration I raised with Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo and NOAA Fisheries Director Janet Coit on numerous occasions in recent months. The Commerce Department must address the serious disruptions caused by their new financial management system and other bureaucratic hurdles. I have put forward legislation with Senator Rick Scott to enact timelines on the executive branch’s approval process for these disasters to ensure our fishermen are receiving the relief dollars they are due in a timely fashion. We need this funding to expeditiously reach Alaskans so that they can weather these disasters over the long-term and continue to responsibly harvest the freshest, most sustainable seafood in the world.”

“Our fishermen and fishing families have suffered enough the last few years – when disaster strikes, it only sets us back further,” said Rep. Peltola. “This funding is critical in helping our fisheries recover and support the communities all over Alaska, and beyond, that rely on their seafood product output.”

To read more about the allocation funding, click here.

Further background:

  • On November 15, 2022, the Alaska delegation sent a letter to Secretary Raimondo in support of Governor Dunleavy’s 2020-2023 fishery disasters declarations.
  • On November 17, 2022, Senators Murkowski and Sullivan, along with Senators Cantwell and Murray (both D-Wash.), sent a letter to Secretary Raimondo requesting a federal disaster for several crab fisheries.
  • On December 16, 2022, the Department of Commerce determined that fishery disasters have occurred in numerous Alaska fisheries, allowing this funding to be distributed to fishermen and their crews, seafood processors, and research initiatives in regions that experienced fishery disasters.
  • On May 15, 2024, Senator Murkowski pressed Secretary Raimondo during a Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations to share an update regarding fisheries disaster funding.
  • On May 23, 2024, Senator Sullivan organized and Senator Murkowski and Representative Peltola participated in an Alaska Seafood Industry Roundtable with Secretary Raimondo at the U.S. Department of Commerce to facilitate dialogue between state industry leaders and the Department.
  • On September 4, 2024, Sens. Murkowski and Sullivan joined Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and several colleagues in sending a letter to the Department of Commerce (DOC) demanding answers regarding the implementation of the DOC’s new financial management system that has delayed financial relief for fishery disasters.

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