The National Marine Fisheries Service held outreach meetings in Kodiak and Homer in December. Fishermen and NMFS representatives discussed the North Pacific Groundfish and Halibut Observer program.


The overall feeling at the meeting seemed to be discontent with a grain of salt. Many fishermen who attended voiced their frustration with the observer program in general. But, many also said that they understand what its purpose is. That sentiment is nothing new to Martin Lefled.


“I’m with the Alaska Fisheries Science Center, based out of Seattle, and I’m the director of the observer program in Alaska for the federal fisheries,” Lefled said.


He says NMFS has received a lot of feedback and it’s listening.


“So, the council and NMFS recognized that something wasn’t working that the program has some flexibility to change,” Lefled said. “So, we’re changing it to the area that is working.”


Read the full story at Alaska Public Media>>


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