The story of Alaska Longline's new fleet member is even bigger than the 136-foot Arctic Prowler. It's bigger still than Vigor Alaska's new 250-foot-long assembly hall in Ketchikan from which the Arctic Prowler launched in mid-October.

What makes this story so huge is more than the sum of its parts — the Arctic Prowler is the largest fishing boat to be built in Alaska, it was built in a state-of-the art facility, and it's one of the first American fishing boats to be built to class specifications.

All of these factors combined show that the companies invested in this project are setting the stage. Arctic Prowler may be breaking the mold, but in doing so, it's paving the way for more big things to come. And there will be more.

Join us for a celebration of industry boatbuilding and a keynote address from Vigor Industrial President & CEO Frank Foti at Pacific Marine Expo's Boatyard Day, Thursday, Nov. 21 at CenturyLink Field Event Center in Seattle.

Read the full story on the Arctic Prowler in the NF December issue, starting on page 36.

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Jessica Hathaway is a Fisheries and Seafood Senior Consultant for Ocean Strategies and is a former editor of National Fisherman.

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