Season 20 of Deadliest Catch has been full of shocking medical emergencies, weather challenges, clashing personalities, and a race against time. After a grueling six weeks on the unforgiving Bering Sea, the captains looked to finish strong during the Season Finale.

Captain Sig Hansen ran into massive issues when the power went out on the Northwestern. The panel with flipping the breakers and not having any luck. Thankfully for viewers, the producer said their cameras also ran on battery so they were still able to chronicle how the crew gets out of this situation. The 40-year captain was forced to turn to manual steering. 

In total darkness, they had to sit and wait until daylight to decide what to do. Imagine that are no modern electronics like GPS with them still 130 miles out to sea. The crew had to find a way home. Hansen’s son-in-law Clark Pederson needed to get home with his wife ready to have a baby. They had to use the tools they have, which meant everything had to be done by hand. 

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