A rule change long sought by the southern New England dragger fleet will allow crew to offload their summer flounder catch in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut all in one trip.
Provided boats hold flounder permits in all three states, the reciprocal can let them land three 1,000-pound increments – one in each state – on a single trip. Industry advocates say it will lead to less waste and better safety, particularly during the winter months.
“This allowance is contingent on the vessel not exceeding the aggregate trip limit for the participating states where they are permitted and not offloading more than the state’s 1,000 pound landing limit,” according to the DMF notice. To participate, vessel operators must hold a summer flounder permit endorsement in Massachusetts and a similar permit in Connecticut and Rhode Island, be equipped with a NOAA approved Vessel Monitoring System, and get a letter of authorization from DMF.
The other good news for Massachusetts fishermen is a doubling of the Period 1 possession and landing limit to 1,000 pounds from Jan. 1 to April 22, and opening the month of January under the revised limit. The 1,000 pound trip limit will be in place until 25 percent of the Period 1 allocation is taken, then reduced to 100 pounds.