BATON ROUGE — The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission took action to establish a 2,000 pound commercial trip limit for greater amberjack. The commission's actions Jan. 3 ensure that regulations in Louisiana state waters will mirror regulations of federally managed waters.

Effective with the provisions under this Emergency Rule, a vessel shall not possess on any trip, or sell, barter, trade, or exchange greater amberjack in excess of the designated 2,000 pound whole weight trip limit, regardless of where taken. Further, no person, shall purchase, barter, trade, or exchange from any person greater amberjack in excess of the 2000 pound whole weight trip limit. Greater amberjack may only be in possession during the open commercial season by legally licensed commercial fishermen.

The season for greater amberjack is currently open and will remain open until the quota is reached, with the exception of the annual closed season (March 1 to June 1).

Read the full story at the Amite-Tangi Digest>>

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