The month of September Crew Shots is inspired by all the fuzzy friends on and off the deck. These pals bring companionship and make every trip feel more like home.

Capture and share your best moments on the water with us! Submit your favorite crew photos-

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Set netters on Ekuk beach, Nushagak Dist. The classic Dodge power wagon is still working in the fishery. Photo submitted by Matt Aboussie

Igushik River, Alaska setnet fishery. Father & sons- 4th & 5th generation Alaskan fishermen. The dog in the foreground is "Mr. Pickle." Photo submitted by Dylan Braund

There are days when you have to look a million bucks working the nets in your pink rain gear! Tora is pulling her weight at fish camp, looking amazing. #setnetting cook inlet Salamatof Beach, Kenai, AK. Photo submitted by Lisa Rodgers

David Wasinger, Jakob Easton, Emmett Gregory, Elma Burnham, Avery Mozen, Catie Bursch, Osa the red dog, Kathleen Bieger, Chloe Burns, and Howard Mozen in Ugashik, Bristol Bay. Photo submitted by Red Dog set net crew

Sofi, the engineer on the F/V Amanda Dawn, after a day of work in Moffett Lagoon. Photo submitted by Raven Samuelson

The crew of the Centurion in Prince William Sound. Photo submitted by Megan Corazza

Lab Manny and lab water dog Miss Sonny are on our Lake Erie trap net boat, Ethel S. Photo submitted by Elisabeth Smith

Lobster fishing in The Bay of Fundy. Photo submitted by Elaine Small

Prince William Sound F/V Miss Grande boat cat Avocado. Photo submitted by Michaella Terrell

Lucyyy (German Short-haired Pointer) points bluefish, pogies (bait), striped bass, black seabass, squid (bait), and scup- which we catch commercially rod and reel. Photo submitted by Ken Baughman

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Carli is a Content Specialist for National Fisherman. She comes from a fourth-generation fishing family off the coast of Maine. Her background consists of growing her own business within the marine community. She resides on one of the islands off the coast of Maine while also supporting the lobster community she grew up in.

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