OnDeck Communication Electronics Vol 3 March 2021OnDeck: Volume 3 is all about Communication Electronics. Gone are the days of calling an operator to stay in touch with your shoreside crew. And it’s no longer just the big boats that can offer the crew comfort of consistent access.

Radar is also taking the next leap with solidstate technology, which enables target tracking and more.

“Radar used to be collision avoidance and navigation, but now it’s more of a fishing tool,” says Jim McGowan of Raymarine.

Products Editor Brian Hagenbuch profiles the full range and capability of Inmarsat’s fleet and individual communications offerings, as well as short takes on new products released in the last year.

While you're getting ready for the spring and summer seasons, use this guide to help you stay in touch with your shoreside crew as well as the boats working around you. Download your copy today!

On Deck: Communication Electronics

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