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When you’re 21, you know everything. When you’re 21 and a first-year captain of an Alaskan salmon seiner, you know even more. I was a 21-year-old captain once, and it took me all of 21 minutes to realize that I, in fact, did not know everything… After a decade spent seining as a crewmember in perpetually progressing positions aboard my father’s high-producing salmon boat based out of Port Lions, Alaska (a picturesque pacific paradise positioned where the spruce meets the sea) in the Kodiak…

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Henry Orth V is a third-generation commercial fisherman, writer, and hot sauce connoisseur with home ports in Port Lions and Wasilla, Alaska. When not searching the seas for salmon and mermaids, he spends most of his hours outdoors, where he enjoys hunting, hockey, skiing, snowmachining, flying, fishing, and countless other Alaskan adventures. 

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