With the creation of new WorkBoat West programming and the development of an innovative partnership with Washington Maritime Blue, the 2024 Pacific Marine Expo (PME), which will be held from Wednesday, November 20th, through Friday, November 22nd, promises to be the most engaging ever for the maritime industry. This year's show will follow a new schedule pattern, with the show floor opening on Wednesday, November 20th, from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Thursday, November 21st, from 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM, and Friday, November 22nd, from 9:00 to 2:00 PM.

“PME has always been the largest commercial maritime trade show on the West Coast, but our exhibitors and attendees wanted to see more WorkBoat Show programming and also include a focus on new technologies that will shape the future of the industry,” said Bob Callahan, group vice president, Diversified Communications, which produces the show. “Thanks to new partnerships and innovative education, this year’s Expo will deliver just that and make this a must-do event for the entire fishing and commercial marine industry.”

Last year’s Expo attracted more than 5,000 industry leaders, who heard more than 30 industry speakers during the free Expo Education Program curated by National Fisherman and explored a full exhibit floor filled with the latest in the hottest equipment and services from top industry manufacturers and suppliers.

This year’s free Expo Education Program will cover topics such as marine safety, business management, regulatory issues, technical advancements, and more. The education program is designed to provide current and essential updates to the industry while offering an environment for open discussions and networking with other industry professionals.

The education program has been enriched by fishermen’s stories, industry challenges, regulatory changes, new technology and gear, and the essence of working on the water each year of the Expo. Photo by Britton Spark

Additionally, this year’s Expo will feature a new spinoff called WorkBoat West, which will feature programming designed for shipyards, vessel owner-operators, and other commercial marine stakeholders. The International WorkBoat Show, also produced by Diversified, happens once a year in New Orleans and propels the industry forward by welcoming commercial vessel owners, operators, builders, vendors, the military, and suppliers all in one location.

“Bringing a taste of WorkBoat out west will help connect commercial fishermen to other commercial mariners through sessions and WorkBoat themes each day of the Expo, including Maritime Blue, all things shipyard, and military,” Callahan said. “Adding this focus will help attendees connect with everyone who is making their living on the water.”

For more than 50 years, Pacific Marine Expo has been a catalyst for innovation in the commercial marine industry. Thanks to a new partnership with Washington Maritime Blue, the innovation theme will be at the forefront of this year's Expo. Based in Seattle, Washington, Maritime Blue is an economic accelerator committed to the development of maritime business, technology, and practices that “promote a sustainable future contributing to economic growth, ecological health, and thriving communities.”

“Maritime Blue is developing cutting-edge strategies to ensure that Washington State is home to a world-class thriving, sustainable maritime industry through accelerating innovation for a Blue Economy,” said Callahan. “We’re excited to present a forum that will showcase innovations that will shape the future of the entire maritime industry.” For more information on Maritime Blue, please visit www.maritimeblue.org.

This year’s PME will feature a Maritime Blue Pavilion that will present the latest in technologies and services, a stage that will offer the opportunity for attendees to meet with the leadership of start-up companies, and programming that will update major initiatives such as sustainable maritime fuels, Quiet Sound, workforce development, green technologies, fast ferries, and others.

“If you make your living on the water, you just can’t afford to miss this year’s Expo,” Callahan said. “It’s the one place to check out the latest products, technologies, and services, learn best practices, and catch up with old and new friends.” The Expo has been held in Seattle for more than 50 years.

The 2024 Expo also will feature the popular Alaska Hall, the King County Maritime Economic Forecast Breakfast, product demonstrations, The National Fisherman Highliner Ceremony, performances by Fisher Poets, and the epic Coastal Challenge, formerly known as the Fisherman of the Year contest.

Connect with both old and new friends at this year’s Pacific Marine Expo and join commercial fishermen and mariners from across the country. Photo by Britton Spark

Finally, the Expo will again collaborate closely with the Maritime High School and other regional youth training programs to offer tours of the show floor to help students explore the diversity of careers and businesses involved in the industry.

Registration for the Pacific Marine Expo will open on June 11th. Companies interested in exhibiting should contact Kristin Luke, Sales Manager, at 207.842.5635 or [email protected].

For more information, please visit www.PacificMarineExpo.com.

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