Bycatch was the byword when it came to National Fisherman’s most-read blog in July 2015, but suspicious boat fires, illegally caught abalone, and seafood slaves all were hot topics. Catch up on the blogs you may have missed last month. 



1. Editor’s Log: Talking trash

2. Coastlines: Can’t burn them down

3. Coastlines: Death by Abalone

4. The Rudderpost: Seafood slaves work for us

5. Boats & Gear: Half a boat length is enough

6. Mixed Catch: Do we need more labels?

7. Boats & Gear: Pursing up 

8. Boats & Gear: Simple things

9. The Sorting Table: The fishermen know best

10. The Rudderpost: Sugar spills


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Jessica Hathaway is a Fisheries and Seafood Senior Consultant for Ocean Strategies and is a former editor of National Fisherman.

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