It’s been 11 months now since Congress allocated $75 million in federal disaster funds to help ease the effects of the economic disaster that has befallen fisheries around the nation, with more than $30 million targeted to aid the Northeast groundfishery, and $14.9 million of it headed for Massachusetts.
Yet even the second phase of the three-pronged aid distribution remains in limbo, still not in the hands of the fishermen, shoreside businesses, crew workers and others who not only need the money, but are entitled to it.
So it’s good to see Massachusetts’ two senators — Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey — and New Bedford-based congressman William Keating press federal Department of Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker to accelerate the release of $8.3 million to the Massachusetts Department of Marine Fisheries for its disbursement to the fishermen and others on this disaster’s front lines.
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