Unusual.  That's the word used to describe this year's shrimp season in Mississippi.

The Commission on Marine Resources got an update at Tuesday’s monthly meeting.

Small shrimp will likely be what most fishermen remember about the 2015 season. That small size caused the DMR to shut down a large portion of state waters, until those shrimp reached legal size... at which time, the waters were reopened.

This year's shrimp season will likely be one to remember. But not in a good way.

“This has been quite an unusual season for everyone. And it's had an economic impact on the fishermen, the fisheries, the dealers, the processors. And it's just been a very tough time for everyone,” the DMR’s Joe Jewell told the Commission on Marine Resources.

Experts say significant rainfall earlier this year is likely to blame for the small shrimp size this summer.

Read the full story at WLOX ABC Mississippi >>
Read more about shrimp >>

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