Everett Ship Repair in Washington State recently completed hull repairs and upgrades to the M/V Excellence, a steel-hulled mothership processing vessel built in the 1970’s in Japan.

The 367.5’x56  vessel is undergoing extensive upgrades to the onboard ammonia-based refrigeration system ("Enhancing Excellence," NF March 2018). The modernization of will provide additional refrigeration capacity to the vessel, without an increase in power demand according to ESR.

The project required drydocking to install the new refrigeration equipment through a large opening cut below the waterline. All equipment installation and hull repairs had to happen within a short four-week period to minimize disruption to the North Pacific fishing season. After undocking the vessel at ESR, the M/V Excellence returned to her Seattle homeport to complete and commission the refrigeration system.

Challenges of this project included a tight timeline. The scope of work in a four-week period included hauling the vessel, cutting a large access port in the hull, removing outdated refrigeration equipment, installing gas-tight steel boundary decks and bulkheads, repairing areas of wasted steel, hull paint repairs, and installing new anti-foulant sea chest anodes. 

Due to the location and weight of the refrigeration equipment each item had to be rigged out of the vessel and carefully maneuvered into the reach of a pier side crane. Removals included two condenser units each weighing 17,000 pounds and two similarly sized ammonia reservoirs. Additional removals included wasted steel plate and unnecessary equipment foundations.

The installation of new components showcased the deck-plate engineering skill of Everett Ship Repair with the successful placement of five large pressure vessels, two compressor skids totaling more than 30,000 pounds in weight, and various materials for foundations, decks, and bulkhead panels. To facilitate the safe removal and reinstallation of this equipment, a temporary platform was constructed on the drydock, enabling critical lifts within the working radius of the supporting crane.

Throughout the project, ESR collaborated closely with the vessel's port engineers and DNV Surveyors to ensure adherence to strict timelines and quality standards. The combined efforts of all involved parties allowed the repairs to be completed with the M/V Excellence undocking on schedule. 

"The completion of the M/V Excellence repair project exemplifies our commitment to delivering exceptional service and meeting the unique requirements of our clients," said Gavin Higgins, CEO of Everett Ship Repair. "Very proud that the team, once again, demonstrated their ability to execute complex marine repairs within demanding timeframes."


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