The Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association (ALFA) and the Alaska Sustainable Fisheries Trust (ASFT) are hosting a Spring Virtual Fishermen’s EXPO on April 4 and 5, from 9AM-1PM to provide educational workshops to new and experienced local fishermen. ALFA and ASFT welcome those interested in the fishing sector to attend.

During this EXPO all the workshops and presentations will be offered in a virtual format.

Commercial and subsistence fishermen of all gear types will have the opportunity to attend free and interactive classes on fishermen training courses, commercial fishing insurance, management updates on halibut bycatch and pending salmon bycatch actions, business planning for fishermen, break-even analysis, preparing for your lender, Deckhand Logbook updates, troller-led oceanography in Southeast Alaska, ALFA’s crew training program and more.

Please reach out to:

Natalie Sattler at or 907-738-1286 with any questions.

Visit for a full schedule of events and to register. 

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